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Wabtec is committed to sustainable value creation. Our strategy is to contribute to a better, more sustainable world through our unique business offerings, 领先的技术, and sustainable business practices while creating value for our 客户, 员工, 以及其他利益相关者.
“可持续性 is a collective journey, and we believe that collaborating with the entire ecosystem, including internal teams, 客户, 终端用户, 供应商, 行业协会, 社区, 政府, and investors will empower us to succeed"
Chief Strategy and 可持续性 Officer
We are committed to driving an inclusive culture grounded in integrity, 致力于我们团队生活和工作的社区的发展和投资.
These material topics are at the core of our sustainability strategy, as they have the highest relative priority to Wabtec and external stakeholders, 并与我们在《k8彩乐园app官网下载》中强调的行动计划和关键绩效指标直接一致.
Awarded to companies with an ESG performance above the sector-specific Prime threshold, which means that they fulfill ambitious absolute performance requirements.
我们已将我们的业务框架与《迪士尼3彩乐园》及其以科学为基础的目标保持一致,即将地球温度上升限制在1摄氏度以内.5摄氏度. Demonstrating our commitment to continuous improvement along our sustainability journey, 我们以绝对排放目标取代了原有的温室气体(GHG)和能源强度目标,即到2030年将我们的第1类和第2类排放量在2019年的基础上减少50%. We have made tremendous progress toward that target, accomplishing 35% reduction in 2022.
Wabtec最相关的第3类温室气体排放类别是第11类:销售产品的使用, at more than 97% of Wabtec’s estimated total 范围3 emissions. 在这个类别中, the largest source of GHG emissions is from our 客户’ use of our freight locomotives. 尽管瓦伯泰克因制造额外的迪士尼3彩乐园而增加了范围3的绝对排放量,但铁路运输模式的转变将使全球温室气体排放量显著减少. As global freight volumes increase 和更多的 goods are transported by rail, the demand for locomotives is expected to increase. 然而, 铁路运输是一种更节能、更安全的运输方式,它带来的总体减排效益将大大超过瓦伯泰克自己的第3类绝对排放量的变化. 此外, 我们的客户采用了威伯泰克的下一代技术,例如我们的生物燃料和电池迪士尼3彩乐园, 我们的数字解决方案, 以及我们未来的氢动力迪士尼3彩乐园——将进一步降低我们客户的1类和2类排放以及瓦伯泰克的3类排放强度.
In 2022, Wabtec joined the United Nations Global Compact, 展示我们对组织倡导的普遍可持续发展原则的现有和持续承诺.
执行我们的可持续发展战略需要与我们组织外部的利益相关者和思想领袖进行接触. 作为客运和货运铁路领域的领导者,以及拥有150多年推动创新经验的传奇公司, 我们相信Wabtec, has an obligation to engage in dialogue and drive collaboration. Below is a brief snapshot of how we, 作为一个企业, 是否正在进入领导层,同时与行业思想领袖保持密切联系,这将帮助我们前进.
Wabtec is working alongside academic institutions and industry partners, 支持基础设施部(MINFRA)确定必要的基础设施(设备), 实验室, 工具, 等.) for the Railway Technology Excellence Center , 这是一个创新中心,旨在推动巴西铁路部门的研发.
Wabtec has served 中国’s Qinghai-Tibet Railway (QTR), the highest railway in the world, 15年来. QTR has 78 NJ2 locomotives that are covered a by multi-year Master 服务 Agreement (MSA). 在此MSA下, Wabtec is responsible for the overall operation of the fleet, and provides holistic maintenance and services, which eliminates the customer's need to invest in maintenance and shop facilities. This is a unique and innovative service model in the Chinese rail industry, 在传统上, operators manage service and maintenance processes on their own.
This arrangement has been a game changer. Not only does it provide reliable fleet operation, but it also adds value through improved maintenance quality processes, shop operation expertise, vendor managed parts and materials, troubleshooting capabilities, 和更多的. 中国铁路认识到这种服务模式的成本效益和效率,并希望在其庞大的铁路网络中更多地采用这种模式.
瓦伯泰克在中国的团队正在与运营商和当局密切合作,探索这些机会,努力实现最佳的铁路运营, 并最终重塑中国铁路行业管理运营和服务的方式.
2021年,Wabtec正式加入欧洲铁路联合事业(ERJU),成为创始成员. A follow-up to the Shift2Rail initiative, ERJU是欧洲主要铁路利益相关者之间的合作伙伴关系,旨在创建一个更加现代化和可持续的欧洲铁路系统.
“这对整个欧洲铁路生态系统来说是一个重要的里程碑,所有瓦伯泰克团队都很自豪能成为这个项目的一部分. Wabtec has a strong presence in 欧洲, with nearly 9000 员工. We file patents and develop high-tech products every day here. 因此,我们相信我们可以帮助欧洲铁路的吸引力,并为欧洲的二氧化碳目标做出贡献2 减排.” - 保罗Pagliero, Group Vice President, Engineering for Wabtec 交通
印度铁路的国家铁路计划(NRP)制定了一个雄心勃勃的目标,即到2030年成为净零碳足迹运营商. 实现这一目标的主要战略包括铁路网电气化和对太阳能发电的依赖. A supplier of diesel-electric locomotives that are made in 印度, Wabtec还同时与印度铁路公司合作,加快电气化的步伐. Our plants in Baddhi and Hosur directly supply components for electric locomotives, namely the E70 brake system. 支持NRP, high reach pantographs designed for the dedicated Freight Corridors, 下一代计算机控制的制动面板系统和潜在的电池电力迪士尼3彩乐园战略都将支持IR的战略计划.
To accelerate the transition to cleaner technology in the rail sector, Wabtec在其价值链上寻求战略合作伙伴关系,使公司能够最有效地利用其内部能力和优势.